Well, tomorrow I go back to work after having this past week off. Time to get back into my normal routine, but before I do, I wanted to recap a few of the things I crossed off my list from last week.
Server Migration Update
I was able to migrate Kris and Cindy over to my new web host with only a few minor issues and fixes. Saving the notes of what I needed to fix for this site will help when I have to move the Nighthawks Hockey Online over next, which shares a few of the same backend coding designs. Only two sites left to migrate.
Kris and Cindy Housekeeping
In addition to migrating Kris and Cindy to the new host, I also did a little housekeeping to the main site, too. While not the eventual site redesign that is needed, it helped reorganize things and remove some of the content that has since been replaced with the Ka’anapali Dreamin’ site. That should be good enough for awhile.
Launched Igloo Surfing … Finally!
As of last Wednesday, my ninth site officially launched after sitting on the back burner for close to 10 months. Igloo Surfing is just a small little blog I’m doing for fun more than anything else. It simply features a different photo each day of one of our rabbits doing something adorable, funny, or otherwise curious. Humorous comments are attempted, but feel free to add your own.
No Facebook Development Yet
I didn’t make any direct progress on implementing my first Facebook application that I hinted at last week. The first stop at the bookstore last week came up empty in terms of finding a FB development book, but the latest trip this weekend was a little more successful. While I didn’t purchase the book, I thumbed through it enough to see that it was covering Facebook Application Development with Rails
I’m choosing to save that for after our upcoming vacation, but in the meantime, I finally made the decision on what to do with an old Gateway laptop I had that was collecting dust. I went ahead and wiped out the Vista image on it and installed Ubuntu 8.10 instead. It’s still a little buggy and in need of a few tweaks, but I was able to install Ruby, RubyGems, SQLite, and Rails on it to start with. I have a few example apps to work through before I dive into Facebook development, but no real timing on that yet.
A Successful Week
Well, overall it was a pretty successful week, considering how much family time we had last week (which is also welcomed). Believe it or not, it pretty much wraps up the year, which has also been very successful in terms of my web development.
Look for a post mid-week that features the highlights some of the best of my work online over the past year.